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a girl with dozens of stories and laughter HAHA :D

Friday, December 24, 2010


December 2010,
is it really gonna be the month of happiness or anxiousness?

My brother and The Tedjas just came back to Indonesia after months and years passed us by and we finally meet again. Felt so happy and exited to meet them all, hope we can spend this holiday season together with happiness and joy.

My marhing band extraculiculer at school, PSUMB, also facing a big and crucial time of our life. Grand Prix Marching Band will be held on 26-27 Dec 2010, right after Xmas Day so we have to spent Xmas Day on a field and school with friends. We've been practicing for the competition intensively about 6 months ago. Days full of music, marching, sweat, shouting, cheers, laziness, exicitement... gonna end soon, im gonna miss it. Thus, that ending must be superb and memorable, thats why we've got to give all what we have and give the best we can do. Bring that fire up to the field and make everyone feel those goosebumps 'slaping' them.

Like one of our coach said, 'Even though you all look soft, week, or nerdy but show them all you can be fiercely on the field and show them what you got'

Let's step on the gas and hit the highway! We can do it together!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year guyss :D

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


one of my daily drinks. cold and fresh. stores in my refrigerator.

Vitamin C + Orange Pulp = Pulpy Orange :D

Monday, August 16, 2010

mini cooper


this is what I found in Paris. saw a lot of it everywhere. and the question is, why it has to be so expensive? HAHA :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Yesterday, I watched The Last Airbender at Plaza Indonesia. It's good though Olive said the catoon is much much (100x) better HAHA. Kezia sleptover to my house, we slept around 12 I guess and wake up at 8 the next day.

Today, I and Kezia spent three hours at Direct English from 10am till 1pm coz we've got to complete the course soon. The 1st session is multimedia, it has to be finished in 1 hour but often we finish only in half an hour, coz we don't do the record thing too much hehe. The 2nd session, I've got a conversation class with Milo (the native speaker from US), he always asks us with his "handbook question", so he ask us with the same question again and again. The 3rd session, again it's conversation. This time we were doing it with Caris (the native speaker from US). When I walked in, Charis, Kezia, and one of another girl (who I dont know) already sat in circle and got a paper on their hands. Charis said, "Hey, we're making origami. You know origami right?" I said, "Yeah," then sat down between his Macbook Pro laptop and the other girl. Then, we started to make origami. The first one is a rabbit, then elephant, and in the last minute of the session, the fox :) I LIKE THE FOX, it's easy to make and looks more real than the others HAHA :D

From right to left: the rabbit, the elephant, and the fox

After DE, we went to the school. Like usual there's a marching brass parctice on a day off. Why??! Well, that's because we have to practice a lot for the competition this December! Let's be OPTIMISTIC that we can win the 1st place! HAHA

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

presents :)

Thank you banget yaa levii!!
Bagus deh gambarnya, walaupun agak ngk mirip ;) HAHA

Ini adalah gambar buatannya Levi tapi udah ku bumbui dengan kata-kata dan tulisan-tulisanku.  Rencananya mau aku kasih ke Andrew buat hadiah ultahnya loo :D

Monday, August 9, 2010


clabe itu kepanjangan dari clarestabelinda haha. iya sebenernya bingung juga mau nulis apa disini tapi yauda deh coba2 aja nulis sesuatu walaupun not so important HAHA. ENJOY!